Hitler, Stalin ... and Clinton?Newspaper poll ranks president second among most evil
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A New York Post survey of readers sampling nearly 20,000 people ranks Bill Clinton second to Adolf Hitler as the most evil person of the millennium...
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=17253Bill Clinton Admired Hitler Too We are not sure Arnold Schwarzenegger admired Adolph Hitler. If he did, he would share something with Bill Clinton.
The Clintons' anti-Semitism is now well known.
Details of it first emerged from retired Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson who told NewsMax the inside details of the Clintons' dislike of various groups.
During the six years Patterson guarded the Clintons, he said their deep-seated anti-Semitism became apparent in slurs they hurled at each other. Bill Clinton also frequently told Jewish jokes.
http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/10/5/184006.shtmlJackie Mason likens Bill Clinton to HitlerTOM TUGEND
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
LOS ANGELES -- Jewish comic Jackie Mason has compared President Clinton to Adolf Hitler.
In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Mason, known for offending ethnic and political sensitivities and an old Clinton foe, referred at one point to a conspiracy theory alleging that the president was involved in the death of Vincent Foster, one of his top aides.
"Clinton would just as easily kill as Hitler would. He has no conscience," Mason was quoted as saying by writer Paul Brownfield.
http://www.jewishsf.com/bk980710/etbill.htmThe Hitler analogy Yet, politicians and others continually raise the specter of Hitler and analogize current public figures to him in an effort to motivate us to support their views and proposed actions. Case in point is Arizona Congressman John Shadegg's likening President Bill Clinton to Hitler for proclaiming the Ironwood Forest northwest of Tucson a national monument.
"I would draw a parallel to Hitler," said Shadegg. "He eroded the will of the German people to resist evil." Shadegg was talking about Clinton's use of the president's executive power to create national monuments.
http://www.jewishaz.com/jewishnews/000630/latz.shtmlBillionaire compares Clinton to Hitler, StalinBy NANCY MATHIS
Copyright 1998 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON -- He's back.
Dallas billionaire Ross Perot returned to the national airwaves Sunday with a conspiratorial thud as he compared President Clinton to Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Saddam Hussein and suggested Clinton uses cocaine.
Perot's appearances on NBC's Meet the Press and on CNN's Late Edition came as the nation's capital reached a feverish nadir on the eve of the House Judiciary Committee's debate on an impeachment inquiry.
http://www.chron.com/cgi-bin/auth/story.mpl/content/chronicle/nation/98/10/05/perot.htmlIt took me five minutes to find these just by Googling "Clinton" "Hitler" - I'm sure there are plenty more out there.