Interesting article...
the part which talks about Bath and Baby Bush as AWOL b/c of recruitment to the CIA...
I'm inclined to see Bush's AWOL moment as another example of affirmative action for unworthy and incompetent kids of the rich who bilk the taxpayer and get away with it simply because they have the money to avoid their share of undemocratic as you can get...Because I would bet money, if I had any, that Poppy had baby Bush "reassigned" to CIA so that the peckerhead didn't even have to stay in the Nat'l Guard. Baby Bush is so incompetent, the only thing he would have been useful for is to grease wheels to collect money for dirty deals. Bag man Baby Bush.
this part is very pertinent now since Perle and Wolfie have subverted America's military might for a regional war in Iraq. Are we paying for a war for Israel? Are we working for Likud and their efforts to quash any hope for peace while they continue to allow settlements? Is Perle the American mouth for war criminal Ariel Sharon?
pertinent, too, because of the new Perle manifesto which wants America to invade and inflame the entire middle east. gee, if another country did this to us because of the unelected leader we have, and the fundamentalist nuts influencing our govt...would we think they were justified?
the US need to be a peace broker in the Middle East, not a war broker. We need to work to settle the Israeli/Palestinian issue in order to achieve a safer world for all the world's children, especially our own, of course, but not merely our own.
Richard Perle Is A Spy
And while we are on the subject of the Dim Son's strange friends, and who is spying for whom it is worthwhile reminding the world that Richard Perle, one of the lead architects of the present crisis (as opposed to the Dim Son, whose role is presumably trigger monkey), was fired from his job with Senator Jackson's office in the 1970s because he was caught passing classified material to the government of Israel.
See… Google Search On Perle And Jackson
It is further worth noting that Perle (and fellow White House hawk Paul Wolfowitz) were both on the list of officials implicated in assisting Jonathan Pollard to spy for the Israeli Government in 1985.
See… Google Search On Perle Wolfowitz and Pollard
And Perle is anti-semetic??? He's calling Sy Hersh a terrorist because Hersh reveals Perle's war profiteering and association with Iran-Contra, BCCI, terrorism funding Adnan Kashoggi?
Richard Perle Is A Also War Profiteer
Lets assume for arguments sake that passing secrets to the Israeli's is not enough to disqualify this clown (and close Bush/Rumsfeld adviser) from involvement in organising a military adventure destined to forever alter the nature of our world. Then there is also this:
Sy Hersh from the New Yorker magazine has written an excellent expose concerning recent dealings by Richard Perle. Take it away Sy:
"Perle is also a managing partner in a venture-capital company called Trireme Partners L.P., which was registered in November, 2001, in Delaware. Trireme’s main business, according to a two-page letter that one of its representatives sent to Khashoggi last November, is to invest in companies dealing in technology, goods, and services that are of value to homeland security and defense. The letter argued that the fear of terrorism would increase the demand for such products in Europe and in countries like Saudi Arabia and Singapore.
The letter mentioned the firm’s government connections prominently: “Three of Trireme’s Management Group members currently advise the U.S. Secretary of Defense by serving on the U.S. Defense Policy Board, and one of Trireme’s principals, Richard Perle, is chairman of that Board.” The two other policy-board members associated with Trireme are Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State (who is, in fact, only a member of Trireme’s advisory group and is not involved in its management), and Gerald Hillman, an investor and a close business associate of Perle’s who handles matters in Trireme’s New York office. "
See… Sy Hersh's article ( ) for much more on Perle.
But Perle of course - street fighter that he is - did not take this lying down and when the allegation of his attempting to profiteer from fear was made on CNN replied by Calling Sy Hersh a "terrorist".