Edited on Wed Jan-07-04 09:08 AM by ElsewheresDaughter
what a fucking gig! Arnold is SELLING the state to the likes of Kenny Boy and party! party! party all over the world at taxpayesr expense under the guise of "selling CA" WHOOOOPIEEEE!!!!
"am going to become California's job czar. I'm going to travel the nation and the world to find those jobs.
I'm going to say, ``Come to California. Come and do business here. Buy our fantastic products. Visit our special attractions. And hire our workers, who are the most productive in the world.''
I am a salesman by nature. And now most of my energies will go into selling California. If you can sell, if I can sell tickets to my movies like ``Red Sonja'' or ``Last Action Hero,'' you know I can sell just about anything. California is the easiest sell I've ever had."
"California employers are bleeding red ink from the workers' comp system.
To heal injured workers, it emphasizes the importance of health care and doctors rather than lawyers and judges.
It requires nationally recognized guidelines for permanent disability"
(corporations "guidelines" above peoples rights...lowing the GOP party line)
and now on to Arnold's "selling" to Kenny Boy slice of the CA pie!
"We must fix the system, and I need your help. California's approach to energy is another barrier to jobs and economic growth.
We have a flawed regulatory structure. Our businesses pay energy rates nearly twice as high as those in other western states.
In California, we have 13 different state energy agencies. Something is wrong when it's easier to create energy agencies than power plants.
California's energy crisis is not over. If we do not act now, California will face energy shortages as early as 2006.
To prevent this, we must reform the wholesale power market to attract new energy investment.
We must reform the retail market so that large customers can get competitive prices.
And we must renegotiate those high-priced electricity contracts that locked us into energy prices at the market's peak." <snip> I did not seek this job to cut ... but to build. (SELL)
I did not seek this job to preside over the decline of a dream but to renew it.
President Reagan said that empires were once defined by land mass and subjugated people, and military might.
But America, he said, is ``an empire of ideals.''