The Era of Distortion
Published: January 6, 2004
o you ever get the sense the whole world is becoming unhinged from reality? I started feeling that way awhile ago, when I was still working for The Weekly Standard and all these articles began appearing about how Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Doug Feith, Bill Kristol and a bunch of "neoconservatives" at the magazine had taken over U.S. foreign policy.
Theories about the tightly knit neocon cabal came in waves. One day you read that neocons were pushing plans to finish off Iraq and move into Syria. Web sites appeared detailing neocon conspiracies; my favorite described a neocon outing organized by Dick Cheney to hunt for humans. The Asian press had the most lurid stories; the European press the most thorough. Every day, it seemed, Le Monde or some deep-thinking German paper would have an exposé on the neocon cabal, complete with charts connecting all the conspirators
I smell desperation here, and by the way, this is a new meme, neo means NEW, not Jewish... so this is desperation, but as Ray Tal points out... PNAC is NOW on the New York times
Folks as they say, this is the time to press our advantage... they are flailing folks this is desperation
By the way, Neo Con means New Conservative... amazing how they are now trying to distance themselves from the meme they themselves created.