We take alot of time talking amongst "ourselves" on this board. The objective at this point is "to defeat Bush...period". We are not going to see change unless he is gone.
How do we do that? By engaging other voters... with intelligence everyday. For example, we should have "three reason's" why you won't be voting for Bush this year.
* Make it simple...people can handle three reasons.
* Make them factual.
* And get agreement that they understand.
We can talk about approaches, such as:
* Who party are you leaning towards in '04?
* How do you think Bush is doing?
* etc...
People will ask back...and you have ...I don't trust Bush:
* (examples) Because of the medicare bill and how it will hurt seniors...and the govt will not neotiate with the drug companies like canada...they are not being honest ..again
* I just don't like the "deception" of how the country was decieved on WMD's in Iraq...they had nothing to do with 911...Bush said so.
* reference "bush broken promises"
http://www.democrats.org/specialreports/brokenpromises/* etc...but have three
It's about convincing "others" not to vote for or trust bush. I have found success in sharing that -- there is a repug house and senate.."we need balance" as a country...we need transparency.
With 1000's of DU'ers....talking to a new person each day...and maybe over time changing 20%+ of how people will vote...
We can have an impact...and share our success each day on this board.
What are your thoughts....?
On edit: we are putting forth alot of energy "calling out" the crooked media. If there is one issue we can get around with the media ...it has to be Black Box Voting and having a verified paper trail. Without this..we have nothing..and without our vote counting..then what is the point.
We should have the media mantra endorse a "verifiable paper trail" for the good of the country !