Yesterday, I got together with some friends that I haven't seen in a long time. We got into political discussions. One of my friends voted Green in 2000 and is probably voting Dem this election. The other is a Republican who voted for Bush in 2000 because he did not like Gore. Though we were talking about Clinton and he said that there are worse presidents than Clinton, Dubya for example.
One thing we talked about was about Tom DeLay's redistricting ploy. My Republican friend said that it is interesting how the Repubs play dirty tricks better than the Democrats. Mainly saying that there are not many Dems that can play the game out of necessity. Clinton, for one, possibly Dean. But in my mind, it definitly dispells the notion that the Dems are really as bad as the Republicans in terms of ethics. The reason why the repubs failed with Clinton is because Clinton knew how to play the game.