The latest "hot thing" is the Newsbabe in primetime...Paula Zahn on CNN & Gretta on Faux. MessyNBC needed once since the reruns of Jane Pauley paying tribute to Tom Hanks got real old real fast.
She'll blow with the wind, since she's of little substance and that's fine with the bosses who will blow with the political wind as to which way this hour tilts. Remember, she's positioned between Olbermann...the most "liberal" and Scarface "CONservative"...whomever has the bigger ratings, that's what they'll want to suck off of.
The other thing is she'll be facing off against Larry King Dead...and I've read where Sorensen who runs this poor excuse for a corporate tax write-off wants to suck some of the older folks who watch Larry like taking their nightly Fleet. If they're dead, dying, about to die, have something they're dying with...Larry wants to talk about it...or bring on another freak show...either way, it's cheap and easy programming.
The real tip-off is where the show originates from. If it's from New York or West Coast, it's more show than news.