Edited on Wed Jan-07-04 01:48 PM by Wetzelbill
I was talking to my self-proclaimed "realist" friend, who likes to refer to himself as a "Conservative Democrat", but sounds ignorantly Freeper-like to me. After hearing him rail on about the "Death Tax," that Republicans promote "Family Values," and how liberals caused 9-11, I pretty much let him have it good on all accounts. I usually am pretty ruthless and gleeful about deconstructing his arguments- our back and forth e-mails are classics, I pull a Franken on his ass pretty routinely -, however he keeps coming back for more.
But a few recents statements of his totally stuck in my craw. One is he prided himself in being, in his own words, "biased" against gays and lesbians, and believed they should never have the same rights that heterosexuals have. Moreover, when I asked him if he knew any gay people, he said:" No, and I don't care to either." Funny, because he actually comes off sort of gay, several have asked me if he was, but that is another matter all together. I just was blown away at his intolerance and lack of compassion. It was just plain ugly.
Next up, he went off on Mexicans, blacks, and even lazy Indians. Now let's consider for a second that in his job - Arizona patrol drug investigator - he sees the worst of all these minorities, so I can see how he might get put off, but he still gets pretty nasty about it. Also, consider that both he and I are enrolled Blackfeet Indians. He pretty much has the convictions of a rich, bigoted white guy - one of his heroes is Sean Hannity. Yikes!
Now this tops it all. He sent me an e-mail railing on Bill Clinton and raving about The Chimp's greatness. I will paste an excerpt. I sent him a long email and totally ripped his arguments up, but this sort of thing just amazes me. This is regarding Clinton's impeachment, which we all know was a partisan witch hunt funded by guys like Richard Mellon Scaife, and followed out by reporters like David Brock, who has since had a change of heart on the lunacy.
<< No facts whatsoever! He lied to the American people on live television! He was only exonerated because the demorecrates held the Senate! The biggest joke that happened was that he was not held accountable for his lies. That is why the Demorecrates are hurting still. They are not going to win this next election. People don't trust the party. I know that I don't. I know it is going be a landslide for Bush. And, even with the bad things, they have not showed one thing that can sway enough voters to go for any Demo's now. They are just hanging on till their little victory in Iowa and NH. They cannot beat him. (P.S. I spelled Demorecrates wrong for a reason)
Mike Defender of the greatest President since GWB1<<
So this brings me to why I think I may be a bigot. I have a low tolerance level for people who are ignorant and/or stupid. I feel bad, because I pride myself on my morality for civil rights, gender issues, as well as my compassion and integrity. If I am anything, I believe I would be a considered a nice guy and a compassionate person. I model myself after Paul Wellstone, for gosh sake! So, maybe in time, I will learn to get over my prejudices, bigotry and biases towards the ignorant and stupid people of the world.
Don't even mention corrupt thieves. I may never become a tolerant enough man to get over my bigotry for them. (Ken Lay, Bernie Ebbers, Dick Cheney, ugh....blood pressure rising)