NOT! Ordinarily, any form of service is beyond reproach, but I'll make an exception for Tweety, who has profligatedly thrown away whatever Lib ideals he ever had for----what? For NOTHING, since, despite his daily service for wingnutism, the wingnuts are only willing to USE him, but don't TRUST him.
Now, before anybody sez that choosing the Peace Corps was a noble way of avoiding Vietnam, I submit that Tweezer himself has made it plain it was sheer expediency. Other people chose one of these other, more COURAGEOUS alternatives: 1) Going to Canada. 2) Actively protesting in the face of official authorities. 3) Going to Vietnam.
He also brags about having been a policeman in the Capitol building. This bragging took place in the aftermath of the shooting of the Capitol policemen, when Tom DELAY hotfooted it out of town on DePlane-DePlane. When the media hyped the HEROISM of Capitol policemen, Tweezer started referencing his employment as such. It turned out that this was a 3-months' rent-a-cop type job. My point is that he is a shameless and shallow self-promoter.
******QUOTE*****, the breathless host of the MSNBC show Hardball, assumes that a rapt nation is eager to learn what he really thinks. Among his thoughts: "Freedom is this country's greatest gift to the world," and "Bush won the election because he was more likable" (this, even though Gore won the popular vote by 500,000 votes). Also, "the password to getting what you want is very often the simple, courageous act of asking for it." Despite the bromides, Matthews likes to think of himself as a guy who stirs things up. Heck, he just likes to think of himself, as shown, first, by his willingness to share his writings as a 14-year-old and then by the way he drags the reader down memory lane for a tour of the Matthews Peace Corps years. reading the book, I can only wonder if it is meeting a real need. It isn't as if your average dullard couldn't accurately pigeonhole Matthews after pursuing the voluminous and publicly available clues. Matthews is a practicing Catholic from a working-class background. He served in the Peace Corps in Africa rather than go to Vietnam. ....