... I'm sorry I got caught. Well, yeah, I got caught lying -- it's not like I got caught doing something unethical, like kicking back any work to state contractors. It was really just a harmless lie, that is, till you found out.
"You see, I was embarrassed that I was so popular among my subordinates that they wanted to give me 5 or 10 thousand dollars in improvements for a cottage I use as a vacation home. It wasn't as if they were looking for any upside to all of this. They just loved me so much as a boss that they were willing to go the extra mile for me. It was so thoughtful of them, yet I couldn't really share that with the people of Connecticut. After all, it would have been unseemly to call attention to the fact that I was such a wonderful person to work for.
"And other than lying to you all about it for five years -- which I'm really, truly, in-the-depths-of-my-heart sorrowful about, and was feeling regret over even when I started lying -- the gifts didn't mean anything. The fact that my aides could hold sway over multimillion-dollar contracts and that I might look more favorably on their decisions about such contracts if they in effect boosted my personal income never, ever, not once crossed my mind. And while state contractors themselves may also have helped out at the cottage, I categorically denounce any insinuation that they might have been trying to corrupt me! As the good people of Connecticut know, I am incorruptible, and the contractors who coincidentally received state contracts around the same time were just doing what friends do for governors who can't finance their vacation homes! A heater here, a patio there, a driveway yonder ... who really gets hurt?
"It's very simple. They helped me. I knew they were doing it out of the goodness of their hearts and weren't expecting ANYTHING in return. I'm sure they would have given the same treatment to anyone else in Connecticut if they had only known who was in need. At the time, it happened to be me. We all have bad economic years; it just happened that it was my turn to get reduced-rate paving and below-market masonry.
"Now, about that condo deal in D.C. ... well, once again, it was a matter of a friend who, heck, just thought I was the cat's pajamas, so he paid double the market value when I sold ... blah, blah, blah