Edited on Thu Jan-08-04 03:18 PM by Mari333
Heres a letter I sent to the editor of a local newspaper attacking Howard Dean for using religion as a subject on his campaign trail:
Dear Herald Palladium: Your recent editorial bemoaning the fact that Howard Dean is speaking about religion on his campaign trail amuses me to no end. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The Bush administration is so beset with overtly using the name of God in every aspect of their domestic and foreign policy it has become a mockery. Their need to tap into the most extremist of religious fanatics in this country to justify a war that should have never occured, which is well known as the "Armegeddon Lobby", their need to use lies and excuses when everyone with a mind knows this is another Crusade , and their neoconservative Straussian political agenda that is fast destroying this country from within is never written about by your editorial staff, which, it seems, are merely shills for the current administration. As the mother of a young man who is in Iraq as we speak, and supports the troops but does NOT support this pre emptive war that is not only destroying our economy but is destroying our children as they are sent over like cannon fodder for wealthy oil executives , I suggest you stop wearing your partisanship on your sleeves and realize that there are a great many people who will vote for Anyone But Bush, and you might to well to use your own resources in what used to be a "free press", and start focussing on the real reasons for the criminal activity occuring under your noses at the White House, rather then worrying about Howard Dean, who, thank God, had the wherewithal to speak the truth about the Bush administration aka criminals and traitors to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights..even conservatives are waking up to that fact. ........................................... Here is the editors response to me:
Actually, the editorial did not, as you say, "bemoan the fact that Howard Dean is speaking about religion on his campaign trail." It is our position that it is OK to speak about religion on the campaign trail.
The editorial bemoaned that a secularist such as Howard Dean is trying to pass himself off as a devout Christian in order to win votes in the Bible Belt. It implied that as a rare churchgoer, Dean should stick to the issues that he knows rather than try to leverage God and Jesus for votes, and that Bible Belt voters would appreciate his honesty about matters of religion much more than they will appreciate a hypocrite who doesn't know that Job is in the Old Testament.
As someone who obviously is not happy with politicians using religion on the stump, such as George Bush, I would have thought you might agree with the point.
If you'd like to recast the first sentence, we'll run your letter.
The Herald-Palladium ..............................................
and here is MY response to him! On the contrary, many people consider Howard Dean to be a devout Christian..it is merely your opinion that he is a "secularist" based on your definition of what a "Christian" is. Many people consider Bush to be a Faux Christian, i.e. Pharisee......and yet that is also their opinion. You can choose to either print the letter or not. In the meantime, I stand by my letter. PS: You will know them by the fruits they bear. To many of us, going to church on Sunday does not equate being a Christian. The GOP does not "own" the definition of Christianity, and Christ, to many of us, was a Liberal. I suggest you read the Beatitudes. Oh, and Thou Shalt Not Lie might be a good one to consider questioning the entire administration at the White House when it comes to WMDs and faulty intelligence. Sincerely,