During the run up to election season, I've heard a lot of talk and seen a lot of handwringing about the GOP "Southern Strategy" and how the Dems can't win without the south. The more I thought about it, the more I realized a few things: 1) It's just not true, 2) The GOP is going to carry most of the southern states anyway, so there's no point in wasting a lot of time there, and 3) With a Midwest/West strategy of their own, the Dems could still win and lose every southern state.
Anyway, let me elaborate.
1) It's just not true - For starters, even if Bush wins every single southern state (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV), that puts his electoral vote total at 166, still 104 shy of the 270 that he needs.
Secondly, the Dems have a solid base of their own to start out with: CA, CT, DE, DC, HI, IL, ME, MD, MA, NJ, NM, NY, RI, VT, WA...worth 188 electoral votes. I don't understand the panic. We're in a pretty strong position to start out with just going with the Dem reliables.
Moving on though,
2) The GOP is going to carry most of the southern states anyway, so there's no point in wasting a lot of time there: There are at least 9 southern states that are going to vote Bush no matter what the Dems do. Most of the south is far to the right of most of the country, and the far right controls the GOP today. GWB is one of their own. Consequently, the Dem candidate should not expend much energy in: AL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA. These states are lost causes.
The energy should be focused on southern states that the Dems stand a chance of winning: AR, FL, LA, and WV. All of these states are very winnable and losing them would be a major blow to any prospect of reelection for Bush.
And finally,
3)With a Midwest/Western strategy of their own, the Dems could still win and lose every southern state. For starters, the Dem nominee can shore up the following Gore states where the vote was a little closer than the others. MI, MN, OR, PA, WI. These 5 are worth 65 electoral votes and added to the other states, it puts the Dem candidate at 253.
Finally, the Dem candidate should key on the following Midwest/Western states. In the midwest, OH & MO. Both of the states have manufacturing based economies and are heavily unionized. Hammer home how they've been hurt by Bush's economic policies, and emphasize that Southern style conservatism isn't working for them, and you have 31 electoral votes ripe for the plucking.
In the west, concentrate on NV and AZ. Both of these states are undergoing a process of realignment. Both have had massive increases in population from out of staters. Most of these out of staters are northeasterners who came there for the warm weather and cheap real estate. Win these two, and that's 15 more electoral votes.
In the end, what I'm trying to say is, friends, do not despair. The south is not the political juggernaut that it's made out to be, and Bush's hold on the White House is far more tenuous than his handlers would like you to believe. Last election he wrung out just about every vote he could possibly get, he still lost the popular vote by over half a million, and needed SCOTUS to give him Florida in order to win.
Let's all be of good cheer, and do our part to make sure there's no room for error in Bush's defeat this time around.