Just got home from a long hard day of work, lying in bed, turn on the TV to see if anything blew up while I was completely out of touch today .....
And there's two fucking psychopaths on the screen, Richard Perle and that Frum guy talking about their book. Oh I have to see what they're saying, so I unmute. They're being "interviewed" by Aron Brown and he is basically sucking their assholes and treating them with the kind of respect you'd reserve for grandfatherly saints. I couldn't fucking believe it.
Finally he gets done with that and he starts showing headlines from tomorrow's paper. I'm wondering if any of them will even mention the helicopter being shot down killing 9 of our Americans and finally there's one and he wants to ignore it but can't and kind of mumbles "and here's one about the helicopter crash in Iraq" and he waves the paper which CLEARLY SAYS "Blackhawk helicopter shot down in Iraq".
There I was all ready to go to sleep and I just about hurled. I got up and wrote the following letter to CNN/Aron Brown:
Keep in mind I'm tired and probably not even coherent, but goddamnit these people have to know somebody somewhere is calling them on their shit.
After I wrote the letter I wrote this rant. I originally came to DU to rant, so I wouldn't kill anybody, so forgive me if you think "what the hell, this is just a stupid rant".
Hi, I am shocked and disgusted with your show.
A. You have two warmongering psychopaths on your show, Richard Perle and Frum, who have just written a book advocating playing military CHICKEN with North Korea, advocating invading three more middle eastern countries, and telling us that our enemy in the world is FRANCE! And you lob them softballs and treat them like they're something OTHER than warmongering psychopathic fools. These men deserve absolutely no respect, in fact they deserve nothing but humiliation and derision. You should be ashamed of yourself.
B. At the end of your show you showed headlines in papers and you actually had one with a headline about the Blackhawk Helicopter getting shotdown in Iraq killing 9 Americans. You said (and I can't fucking believe this) "oh, and here's one about the Iraqi helicopter crash" when in FACT the headline you showed said "BLACKHAWK HELICOPTER SHOT DOWN IN IRAQ"
You are a scumbag, sir, you are a media whore and you do not deserve your position as a "journalist" in our nation. Journalists have a big responsibility to uphold, not unlike members of the Supreme Court and the Congress and the Executive Branch. Without a free press, our nation collapses, and you, sir have abdicated your responsibility and should be REMOVED from your position.
I am sick and tired of you and everyone else at CNN trying to out-whore Fox news.
May you rot in hell.
By the way I am a middle class white guy, 42 years old, and I make 100K a year. I am one of those "angry democrats" you hear about and I'm about ready to drive me goddamn SUV to Washington and throw you motherfuckers out on your EARS.
You are a disgrace.