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This power outage has me thinking about something

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soleft Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 08:49 AM
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This power outage has me thinking about something

You know in the song, the Night the Lights Went Out in Georgie, she says, "they hung my brother before I could say, the tracks he saw while on his way to Andy's house and back that night were mine."

How long does it take to say, "they hung my brother before I could say, the tracks he saw while on his way to Andy's house and back that night were mine." Or even just, "Hey, Yo, I killed them both". If she had really wanted to save her brother, I think she could have managed to let somebody know.

Also - what kind of relationship do you have with your brother that would make you kill his wife because she was cheating on him?

The Night the Lights Went Out In Georgia
Vicki Lawrence
Words and Music by her husband, Bobby Russell

(peak Billboard position # 1 in 1973)

He was on his way home from Candletop
Been two weeks gone and he thought he'd stop
At William's and have him a drink 'fore he went home to her
Andy Wolloe said "Hello"
And he said "Hi, what's doin', Wo?"
"Seth, sit down, I got some bad news, it's gonna hurt"
He said "I'm your best friend and you know that's right"
"But your young bride ain't home tonight"
"Since you been gone she's been seein' that Amos boy, Seth "
Well, he got mad 'n' he saw red and Andy said "Boy, don'tcha lose your head"
" 'cause to tell ya the truth, I been with her myself"

That's the night that the lights went out in Georgia
That's the night that they hung an innocent man
Well, don't trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer
'cause the judge in the town's got bloodstains on his hands

Well, Andy got scared and left the bar
Walkin' on home 'cause he didn't live far
See, Andy didn't have many friends and he'd just lost him one
Brother thought his wife musta left town
So he went home and finally found
The only thing Papa had left him, that was a gun

And he went off to Andy's house
A'skippin' through the backwoods quiet as a mouse
Came upon some tracks too small for Andy to make
He looked through the screen at the back-porch door
And he saw Andy lyin' on the floor
In a puddle of blood and he started to shake

Well, the Georgia Patrol was a'makin' their rounds
So he fired a shot just to flag 'em down
And a big-bellied sheriff got his gun and said "why'dya do it?"
And the judge said "Guilty" in a make-believe trial
And slapped the sheriff on the back with a smile
Said' supper's waitin' at home and I gotta get to it"

That's the night that the lights went out in Georgia
That's the night that they hung an innocent man
Well, don't trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer
'cause the judge in the town's got bloodstains on his hands

Well, they hung my brother before I could say
The tracks he saw while on his way
To Andy's house and back that night were mine
And his cheatin' wife had never left town
And that's one body that'll never be found
See, little sister don't miss when she aims her gun

That's the night that the lights went out in Georgia, oh-oh-aah
That's the night that they hung an innocent man, ah-huh-unh
Well, don't trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer

'cause the judge in the town's got bloodstains on his hands

Transcribed by Ronald E. Hontz, who won't swear positively to the correctness of
the proper names herein, but they are close to what's sung. Anyone with sheet
music should feel free to contact me.
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displacedtexan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 08:57 AM
Response to Original message
1. and what kind of an idiot...
would cop to shooting the sheriff, but not the deputy?
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The Backlash Cometh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 09:08 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Yeah, what's up with that?
And since when did Bullfrogs named Jeremiah drink wine?
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virtualobserver Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 09:30 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. all bullfrogs drink wine
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