My son had a few rough moments last year when the new neighbors moved in ... he and the new boy didn't get along very well.
The background of this family is that the father and this woman (Debbie) met online about 3 years ago, he flew out here from MN to meet her, they hit it off and he moved himself and his two kids out here to live with her and her two kids. They're not married, and according to his kids, she treats her own children much differently than she treats his kids. She's also a Bushie <snort>
There are 3 bedrooms in the house ... the "parents" have one room, the woman's oldest daughter (16) has another bedroom, and the other 2 girls (his: 16 and hers: 10) sleep in the other bedroom. The son sleeps in the unfinished basement!!
At some point last summer, the new boy threw two big plastic cups filled with some sort of white stuff into our swimming pool. The father brought his son over to confess (it was hand lotion) but not before we had called the police and local health officials to try and find out what this substance was, and because at the time we didn't know it was a childish prank. We thought it might have been some kind of lethal substance (terra-ism, dontcha know). The child apologized, and we forgave, and that was the end. Or so we thought.
Now, a year later, the boys are friends, but for some reason, the parents don't like them over in our yard. We figured it was because their son vandalized our pool and they were embarrassed.
But yesterday totally weirded me out. My son asked me if the boy and his sister could go in our pool. I said yes, of course. Then they said their "stepmother" had told them they couldn't go in our pool because Mike's mother (me) is 1) crazy; 2) out of her mind; and 3) a terrorist (WTF??)
The boy called the woman at work and I spoke to her. First of all, I had to say hello 3 times before she would even answer me back (I thought we had been disconnected). Then she spoke very patronizingly to me as I told her that the kids wanted to go swimming, and she informed me that she didn't want the kids in the pool unless an adult was there. I told her that myself and my neighbor would be in the pool also, and she said that they didn't want the kids in the pool until they got home. I asked her what time she gets home and she said "4 pm". I said, "Oh ok, then the kids can go swimming after you get home." She replied, "Weeellll, we'll see." The entire exchange was very snooty on her part, and as for me, old firebreath, I was sweet as sugar to her.
Then the parents got home, the kids went in to talk to them, and then they came out and said that now they aren't even allowed to come in our yard AT ALL. WTF? Maybe they're nuts ... maybe the "mother" doesn't like all the bumper stickers on our truck. Maybe she doesn't like the large peace sign and poster of the Bill of Rights on our front door with the caption "GOT DEMOCRACY?" Maybe she's just a prissy bitch
Truth to tell, I couldn't give a shit if someone meets me and doesn't like me ... but I have NEVER talked to this woman, not even to say hello ... and for her to say I'm a terrorist is just beyond the fargin' pale. I'm pissed