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Echelon: The Most Secret Spy System

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bookman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 02:56 PM
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Echelon: The Most Secret Spy System
Thought I'd post this for those interested.

TONIGHT, August 16 @ 7 pm CDT History Channel
History Undercover: Echelon: The Most Secret Spy System

A worldwide electronic surveillance network monitoring matters of international security --conspiracy-theorist fantasy or reality? Echelon is the moniker for an information-sharing policy entered into by five countries--the U.S., Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand--that share internal espionage to sidestep national laws that forbid spying on their own citizens. Explore the technological aspects of this partnership, including encryption and hi-tech satellite communication. TV PG
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Kellanved Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 03:05 PM
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1. yes - big story in Europe
Edited on Sat Aug-16-03 03:16 PM by Kellanved
The Echolon - a system originally designed to eavesdrop on soviet communication got realigned a few years ago; now it spies on Germany and France. The EU suspects that it is used for industrial Espionage.

Once in a while a US diplomat has to leave Germany because of industrial Espionage; especially car-makers, Airbus and Univerities feel that milestone achivements got "snatched away".

Rumor has it that the decomission of Echolon is one of the things the EU wants in exchange for UN/EU military aid.

The existence of Echolon is as good as proven; both national probes and an EU probe showed clear evidence. Some of the most controversial listening posts, for example the one in Bad Aibling, were removed in 2001.

result of the EU-probe:

Pictures of an Echolon post in Germany:

And one in the UK:
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Brazosboomer Donating Member (337 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 03:06 PM
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2. thanks!
I love that stuff!
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QuietStorm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 03:30 PM
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3. links on echelon
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QuietStorm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 03:34 PM
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4. ooh here's a fun one from alamo-girl

Daily Telegraph 12/16/97 ".A European Commission report warns that the United States has developed an extensive spying network on European Citizens and we should all be worried, reports Simon Davies. A global electronic spy network that can eavesdrop on every telephone,email and telex communication around the world will be officially acknowledged for the first time in a European Commission report to be delivered this week. The report - Assessing the Technologies of Political Control -- was commissioned last year by the Civil Liberties Committee of the European Parliament. It contains details of a network of American-controlled spy stations on British soil and around the world. that "routinely and indiscriminately" monitors countless phone, fax and email messages. It states: "Within Europe all email telephone and fax communications are routinely intercepted by the United States Natiomnal Security Agency transferring all target information from the European mainland via the strategic hub of London then by satellite to Fort Meade in Maryland via the crucial hub at Menwith Hill" in Yorkshire. The report confirms for the first time the existence of a the secretive Echelon system.."

Summarized from a report by Charles Smith (Softwar): Webb Hubbell, Ron Brown and Vince Foster were all assigned to encryption tasks involving chip technology. Janet Reno was personally tasked to encryption export policy. Ira Sockowitz, a former DNC fundraiser walked out of the Commerce Dept. with over 2,000 pages of secret material on encryption and satellites. According to the GAO, Clinton personally authorized the transfer of military strength encryption technology to China with a Presidential Waiver. There was a GAO report on the 1994 "Hua Mei" transfer of an advanced telecommunications, secure, fiber- optic system sold to a Chinese Army front company included advanced encryption software. One document returned under a FOIA request from the Commerce Dept. for the "Hua Mei" request, outlines the details of how China and the Clinton administration used an obscure license technique, called GLX, to avoid verifying the end user was the Chinese military. In the case of Hua Mei, the Chinese Army bought technology by using front companies. The Commerce Department under Ron Brown did very little, if anything, to stop them. In fact, according to the Commerce Dept., of the 734 licenses applied for advanced telecommunications export to China in 1994 under the "GLX" category only five were denied! Additional documents obtained by SOFTWAR using FOIA from the White House National Security Council (NSC) show that Motorola sought and obtained President Clinton's permission to sell encrypted radios to China. Motorola did so with the help of a former Clinton and Bush NSC official, Dr. Richard Barth. Barth was brought back into the Clinton White House as a contractor in 1993 and helped make U.S. encryption export policy. Clinton opposes the sale of the same type of equipment to all U.S. citizens.

Wired News 9/30/98 Niall McKay ".In October, Europe's governing body will commission a full report into the workings of Echelon, a global network of highly sensitive listening posts operated in part by America's most clandestine intelligence organization, the National Security Agency. "Frankly, the only people who have any doubt about the existence of Echelon are in the United States," said Glyn Ford, a British member of the European Parliament and a director of Scientific and Technical Options Assessment, or STOA, a technology advisory committee to the parliament. Echelon is reportedly able to intercept, record, and translate any electronic communication -- telephone, data, cellular, fax, email, telex -- sent anywhere in the world. ."

FOX NEWS 11/13/98 Patrick Riley ".Beware: you are being tracked by the government. Your phone calls are being monitored, your faxes and e-mails are being read. It is a classic Big Brother cliche, but it may also be reality, according to information emerging about a global surveillance network called Echelon, which is run by the United States National Security Agency in conjunction with intelligence operations in Australia, Britain, Canada and New Zealand. The Free Congress Foundation, a Washington D.C.-based civil liberties group, recently published a report detailing the system and is planning, along with the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups, to pressure Congress into investigating it. "Echelon is the most terrifying kind of surveillance that exists because you have no way of knowing if you're being listened to and you have no recourse and you have no privacy," said Cassidy Sehgal, a lawyer for the ACLU. A remnant of the Cold War that has continued to advance in the digital era, Echelon reportedly uses land- based intercept stations, as well as ships and satellites, to collect electronic and fiber-optic transmissions at an estimated rate of 5 million per minute.. It's not the existence of such a spy operation that troubles most critics, it's Echelon's seemingly indiscriminate nature and lack of regulation.."
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bookman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-16-03 04:04 PM
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5. Time Correction
Edited on Sat Aug-16-03 04:04 PM by bookman
Just got an email that said the time should be 8pm not 7.

Sorry unable to edit.
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