That 80s teen movie thread got me to thinking about how almost every girl I've ever dated has told me that I remind them of Jon Cryer's character Ducky in "Pretty In Pink". The first few times I heard it, I took it as a compliment, because Jon Cryer kicks ass. But after a while, I took it as an impending death knell for the relationship, because what it really means is "I'll leave you for some bland rich fuck the first chance I get, but let's still be friends, ok?"
That movie was the biggest crock in history, and John Hughes movies did NOTHING but screw up a generation of well meaning boys. He never told us the truth that in order to get girls, we'd have to pretend to be something we're not, because if we're the cool, smart, funny guys we really are, we'll get relegated the friend zone over and over and over again. He kept telling us over and over again that true love conquers all, but not if you're Ducky, because he's just the comic relief.
I hate that movie more than anything, because little poor girl Molly Ringwold is such a class-obsessed idiot that she misses the forest for the handsome, funny, tree that actually has a personality and isn't named FUCKING BLAINE. She shits all over her dad for being poor, and abandons Ducky, who loves her more than that idiot Blaine ever could. You're just a fucking charity case to Blaine, Molly. He's slumming. Ducky loved you and you used him.
Jesus, I have issues.