Twin Oaks, Virginia.
Very big. Almost draconian in social structure. Little in the way of personal property and almost no cash to individuals for personal spending. The have a school, a saw mill, several cash industries.
Light Morning, Floyd County, Virginia.
Very small. In operation since the 70's. They are subsistance farmers and use oil for light and wood for heat. They have a few solar cells for what electronics are on the land. They are surrounded by a large community of ex-residents and other small communes.
Short Mountain, Tennessee
A gay and lesbian commune in existance since the 70's. They may no longer exist, I honestly don't know. They used to produce a gay mens mag...something about farming or some such. Very loose social structure, some small scale farming and live stock. They also have some gay and lesbian gatherings on the property.
I had thought for many years that I would love to live on a commune but I have found that I don't have the temperment or the selflessness that is required.
If you choose to join a commune please safeguard your possesion. Twin Oaks for example requires you to sign over to the collective ALL of your personal holdings. If and when you leave you do not get them back. Other communes are not this strict. If you choose to enter one that is, please find a way to guard your savings for the future...maybe this is why I never joined a commune..the idea that my things are mine.
There is a magazine, I believe it's called Communities. There are also many websites about moving to and out of communes. You can usualy find listings of groups looking for members or for groups looking to start a new commune.