MONDAY 'IN' THE UNDERGROUNDRAILROAD where we meet on Mondays, discuss the topics of the day and reflect on the week ahead. Today our menu will be consistent with our
BLACK OUT theme. So let go ahead and discuss some of the items on our menu. Now, I came up with a few things that I had in my kitchen and used during the actual
2003 BLACK OUT and you may help yourself or NOT, depending on the mood (dark?) your in today.
Items our BLACK OUT MENU: How about a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich? (High in protein and carbs)
Fruit (An Apple a day keeps the MD away?) ZONE power bars (they taste great!)
Frosted Flakes (Pour in a cup and snack as you please) TANG -
I know, it was the beverage of choice in space, but in the absence of anything else, it does taste good and you mix with your bottled water.
Decades of Warnings/DarkDays of Questions? During 9/11 WHERE was our pResident? Do we REALLY know?? Now, a
BLACK OUT that put 50 MILLION Americans in the dangerous dark, defenseless and with no information, at least for the first hour. WHY? did it take SO long for him to "speak" to the nation and provide information during this dark NIGHTMARE? To add more insult, WHY did he proceed to his scheduled fund-raiser in California while CHAOS was breaking out all over the WORLD? It seemed as if the BLACK OUT was only an afterthought as millions of people were trapped in elevators, schools, electronic doors, subways, trains, and more.
WHERE WAS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? as the American people roamed around in the dark, clueless, no food, no access to ATM's, computers, gas pumps, transportation, land-line telephones or cell phones. DID he think about us? Or did it even occur to him that something MIGHT be wrong?
We are a SUPER POWER, YES? WHERE IN THE HELL WAS THE PRESIDENT, IN 2003? In a modern, high-tech society where electric power touches every aspect of our lives? I mean HOMELAND SECURITY must need energy to function, yes? WHY was the pResident ignoring us? Enjoying HIS day (and night) as if we, the American People, were nothing more than a momentary problem (OH, ANOTHER ONE! CONDI, KARL!!!) that could easily be erased from his mind (and hopefully the American People) with a spruced "speech" . It was a total affront to the American people that "they"(?) could trot this little man out with a piece of paper and call it an "address to the nation". That was offensive. That was arrogant.
IMPEACHMENT was *MY* first thought. Why wasn't there an immediate FEDERAL 1-800-LIGHTS ON number set up for those of us who had NO information? During this time our loved ones are usually traveling home from work or school. What about the children?
Where was the White House "BLACK OUT" Command Center? Where was the National Security "Advisor", Condi Rice (yeah, I know, solving problems in OTHER countries!)? Once again, it would be a New York City mayor that would emerge as a hero in the absence of our pResident.
New York's Mayor Bloomberg provided information within one hour of the lights off. He said four words that the nation waited to hear, "it was NOT terrorism". I think I heard the entire country EXHALE when he said that. I have to be honest I was mighty proud of Mayor Bloomberg, a Republican, and the leadership he provided during those dark moments. He was in supreme command as he jumped into action in his normal calm, deft demeanor. Again,
"IMPEACHMENT" shot up and down my body as a tangible word, as tangible as I wanted it be, create it to be.
I found this definition of
One entry found for
impeach.Main Entry:
1im·peach Pronunciation: im-'pEch
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English empechen, from Middle French empeechier to hinder, from Late Latin impedicare to fetter, from Latin in- + pedica fetter, from ped-, pes foot -- more at
FOOT Date: 14th century
1 a : to bring an accusation against b : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office
2 : to cast doubt on; especially : to challenge the credibility or validity of <impeach the testimony of a witness>
3 : to remove from office especially for misconduct
- im·peach·able /-'pE-ch&-b&l/ adjective
- im·peach·ment /-'pEch-m&nt/ noun
Source MERRIAM WEBSTER DICTIONARY pResidents actions should be the subject of a congressional investigation. His behavior, his actions of that day should be examined. I don't think this pResident is no longer credible in a world that is increasingly certain that terrorism is certain to happen again. What is clear to me is that during the largest BLACK OUT in American history that involved two countries (Canada), the American people were left vulnerable, without information and helpless. That is a crime.
An "IMPEACHABLE" crime. _________________________________________________
The American Red Cross Wow, what an incredible job
The American Red Cross did for New York residents, visitors and tourists during the 2003 Black-Out. Red-Cross volunteers in New York State responded within hours after the Black-Out providing "cooling" centers, water, and counselors to anyone who needed someone to talk to. I have to admit I was NOT prepared for any kind of disaster and I think this is a good time to talk about preparing a "disaster" supplies kit. Of course there are the basics things you should stock for your home: water, first aid supplies, clothing, and non-perishable food. But there is one more item I think we should all have and it is no longer considered a luxury, a cell phone. It may not work during the immediate emergency, but it's a jump-start for informing loved ones where you are even if it's via voice mail. Get one, with an extended battery. Here is a link to
Virgin mobile that offer's pay-as-you-go service. No credit check required. Perfect for "emergency only" usage or for our senior parents or younger children with instructions.
The following is an official list from
The American Red Cross.
The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder 
Questions of the Day 1. When you heard that a massive "BLACK OUT" plunged 50 million Americans in the dark along the Eastern Seaboard including Canada,
what was your *FIRST* thought? 2. Where were
*U* (in OR out of the affected areas) when the BLACK-OUT hit ?
3. Name at least 5 things you
MUST have in YOUR survivor kit? __________________________________________
