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Top 10 Reasons to Donate To DU

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Home » Discuss » The DU Lounge Donate to DU
Plaid Adder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-18-03 03:02 PM
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Top 10 Reasons to Donate To DU
10. Because NPR has gone over to the dark side.
9. It's Fair And Balanced.
8. Sooner or later, Fox will figure that out and sue them over it.
7. Because if DU goes under, there will be no more dancing underpants.
6. Because otherwise you'd have to spend a lot of time and effort figuring out who the top 10 conservative idiots are every week. After all, there are so many to choose from.
5. Tinfoil doesn't grow on trees.
4. If the cash flow dries up, they won't be able to keep the bar open.
3. Because the party needs gadflies.
2. Do you want a repeat of the Great Midterm Elections Crash? Do you?
1. Cause it's way cheaper than therapy.

C ya,

The Plaid Adder
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underpants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-18-03 03:06 PM
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1. Get those single dollar bills folded and ready

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nothingshocksmeanymore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-18-03 03:09 PM
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2. OK
10. Because Freerepublic would ban me in a New York Minute.
9. I have no life
8. It pisses off conservatives
7. Zomby Coffee
6. Matcom's ass
5. It combats disinfo
4. I get to rub elbows with Will Pitt an internationally famous author
3. To piss off admin and the mods
2. Because of all the brilliant posters from all walks of life.
1. You can never have too many yaks, thongs or masturbation sessions. ;-)
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Raven Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-18-03 03:12 PM
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3. I vote for Number 1!
I started on DU around 9/11 and realized what a life line it is. If you are working and can't tune in to the news, DU'ers have it first. If you have an issue you want to vet, DU has the forum for it. If you just want to visit, or get a laugh, there is the lounge.

I give $ to Vermont Public Television because I love some of it's programs and watch it alot. Same goes for DU. I cannot imagine frequenting this website and not supporting it.

Also, I have met many, many very nice, caring people here! :-)
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demnan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-18-03 03:23 PM
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4. Because you're here . . .
and where else would you want to be?
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