Ignorance killed the cat. Curiosity was framed.
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Tue Aug-19-03 12:16 AM
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Ignorance killed the cat. Curiosity was framed. |
Discuss (or don't, whatever...) :D
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Tue Aug-19-03 12:17 AM
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You've hit the nail on the head.
The whole Eve/Pandora/etc. myths all try to tell us that knowledge will KILL us.
Clearly, that's been proven wrong. IGNORANCE kills us.
We need to make a new religion, quick.
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Tue Aug-19-03 12:21 AM
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2. You have proof of this? |
Or is this just another of your tin-foil-hat, vague humanistic conspiracies theories?
This accusation against Ignorance has been refuted again and again. You folks who worship at the altar of knowledge don't get it. As the sage wrote:
"Ignorance is bliss."
Pay attention to the Revealed Word.
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Tue Aug-19-03 12:24 AM
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3. Are you sure it's bliss? |
Frankly bliss has suffered at the hands of ignorance for far too long...bliss starts with a B and comes first in the alphabet...bliss is ignorance!
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Tue Aug-19-03 12:36 AM
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Bliss is the endless happiness that comes from not knowing anything.
That's why all dems are so unhappy. Like you and me, so stop saying that!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 AM
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