Although I am still somewhat new to posting, I lurked around here for a few months. And I have to say that this place with all it's chaos is still the best place on the web. Sure there are major disagreements and flamefests, but folks life is a full-contact sport. So put on some pads, get behind a couple of blockers and hit the hole and don't stop running.
So as message board ebb and flow, I give you The Top Ten Reasons I Love DU regardless. (Feel free to add any of your own)
10)Threads like these -'s ass and bartending skills
8)I learn more by reading through a few threads during a break in my workday than I ever do by listening to the news
7)The fact that when one DU'r is in trouble, everyone else has "got their six"
6)The fact that there are people who are passionate about their views, political leanings and activism and don't just go along to get along
5)The fact that I spit water on my computer screen on a regular basis whilst reading the Lounge
4)That there are people in this world like me who just can't take themselves too seriously and just have to laugh
3)Even when the flames get high, folks will usually take a few deep breaths and calm down. And if they don't well that's ok too.
2)Skinner and EarlG
and the number 1 reason I Love DU
1)This place serves as a bastion of sanity in a world gone just a little crazy and let's me know that as long as there are DU'ers around, we're gonna be just fine.