I'm sure that everybody is tired to death of this subject, but humor me! And this is going to be somewhat long but please try to read it through.
I consider myself a fairly polite, constructive person but I was disappointed at my behavior at one particular point last night on this site. I have been thinking about it alot today and also following some of the threads here and on GD about civility on DU. I looked up the definition of "courtesy" just now and it mentions respect for others. I think that's what it's all about.
I knew someone once, a gentleman quite a bit older than me, who was a world class litigator...he practiced before the highest courts in this country...huge cases...and he won most of the time. He was a formidable opponent, but if you asked any of the lawyers who came up against him, they would tell you what a gentleman he was, fair and courteous. I know for a fact that he could skin you in a deposition and when it was over, you would get up, shake his hand and thank him for having treated you decently. A lost art these days. I feel as if I lost this art last night and by doing so it diminished me and DU.
If you were at a party (not a drunken brawl!)or at the dinner table with friends would you tell them to kiss your ass if they said something you disagreed with? Doubtful. If someone at the party talked about nothing but money and it was offensive to you, you would probably excuse yourself and join another group. Right? If this person was a friend you might take him/her aside to point out how offensive you found it. My point here is that we all have social behavior that works in most circumstances... usually when we are face to face with people. Somehow the invisibility and anonymity of the web (and this site)may have broken this down. So here are my resolutions going foreward:
1. I will never go after any one personally on this site. I will privately e-mail them if I want to call them on something personal.
2. I will not use language that I would not use around my kids. If I can't drive my point home without such language, then I probably didn't have much of a point to make in the first place.
3. I will assume that everyone who posts here, posts in good faith and if I begin to doubt that I will either ignore them or go to the moderators.
4. DU is not a place to get attention...it is a place to converse and to interact. I will never hype a post just to get a reaction.
5. I will never post if I've had too much to drink or am under the influence of drugs...unless I warn folks first.
6. I will never post if I am taking out my anger over something else.
7. I will not use DU as a whipping boy. If the issue I care passionately about doesn't resonate here, I'll leave it alone, here, at least.
8. I will treat this site like the place it is...a refuge... a place of understanding, support, a place to trade thoughts and ideas...a democratic place... a jewel, and I will not deface it.
Sorry about the length of this! Do I get a prize??? :-)