I am now smoke-free for one year, two months, one week, one day, 16 hours, 17 minutes and 1 second.
13,040 cigarettes not smoked, saving $3,097.08. Life saved: 6 weeks, 3 days, 6 hours, 40 minutes.
In the first six months, I gained 20 pounds because I was substituting fatty and high-calorie snacks for the cigarettes I was "missing". Even though the "step-down" nicotine patches were VERY helpful with helping to control the physical nicotine cravings... they did very little to replace the psychological addiction and my need to be doing SOMETHING with my hands and mouth while watching TV or sitting at the computer. (Now be nice. You know what I mean.)
However... in the last 8 months, I lost THIRTY pounds by simply reading labels and watching the fat content as well as limiting the portion sizes. NO EXERCISE... NO PAIN... just 10-15 grams of fat per day.
If I cheated one day, then I'd try to do less the following days so that at the end of the week it all evened out.
I never thought I'd quit. I never wanted to quit. I liked smoking.It was the price that made me decide to quit. But now that it's been over a year, I can tell you that I no longer cough in the mornings. I am not easily winded when doing things like raking or mowing or going up two flights of stairs.
My computer screen stays clean longer. My walls stay white. The white shirts hanging in my closet will REMAIN white all year long. My breath smells better. My house smells better. My car doesn't stink anymore and I'm no longer embarrassed to give a ride to a friend or to have people drop by and visit my home.
And most of all... my Shi Tzu, Mitzi, is no longer sneezing all the time and the reddish stains and gooey-goo under her eyes has completely disappeared!!! (Ya think the two are related?)
Oh! The money?
Well... that's a good incentive... but sadly, I don't have a jar with $3000+ in it. I didn't put my daily savings into a piggy bank. Somehow it eased its way back into the weekly/monthly budget. Oh well.
Are you thinking of quitting? All you need are reasons that are meaningful to YOU!! You won't quit for anyone except YOURSELF.For all the years and years of nagging that I got from my family about my smoking... it just made me angry and resentful. It made me even more determined NOT to even TRY to quit because I didn't want them to get the impression that their nagging was working.
Anywho... that's it. Thanks for listening.
-- Allen