So I have it on pretty good authority that I'll be laid off next week, since the technology sector sucks in Northern CA and our business model sucks and I make too much money.
Anyway, the owner of the company I work for is the worst sort of right-wing jerkoff you can imagine. He's a Vietnam veteran, but unlike many vets, he's fully supportive of the government's actions during that conflict. He can't go for more than about 20 minutes without having fond memories of Vietnam.
He'll also be glad to explain to you that, yes, war is hell, but sometimes you have to lay down a pattern of fire on the village children. Or he'll helpfully explain how napalm is a good and necessary thing. The most horrible human being on earth in his estimation is, of course, Jane Fonda. It should go without saying that he's one of W's biggest fans, but there, I said it anyway.
I've always argued politics with Wayne, but there's been an invisible line that I don't cross too often with the guy who signs my paychecks. When his face starts to turn red, I usually back off.
I'm no longer interested in backing off. I've cleaned my desk out, but we're all still playing the game and acting like I'm an employee who will continue to be around, etc.
I send Wayne the occasional article with political overtones. Before I get fired (laid off, whatever, same result), I want to send him some really inflamatory, but factually correct stuff. Does anyone have any links you can send my way that would fit the bill?
By the way, I feel compelled to say that I'm not rabidly anti-military. I am a veteran. I do, however, enjoy getting under the skin of people who think it's sacrelige to say anything at all negative about the military. That's where I'm coming from on this one.
Any links that I could send to the man I affectionately refer to as Baby Killer would be appreciated.