Suddenly I turn around and this lady I was seeing is pumping gas across from me. Now we didn't part all that amiably, and I haven't seen or heard from her in several years. So, anyway, I say to her, "How you been?" and she says "Fine, and yourself" So we talk for a moment, and I ask her about her young daughter, and she says "She's doing fine"
Now I notice that this lady is wearing the same white dock shoes she used to wear, and a long coat, and she looks pretty much the same as always, and we kinda just part when she's done pumping gas. BTW, she has the same car.
Well, anyway, I tell the folks at work I saw her, and that was that, until a few weeks later I see an item in another library newlsetter announcing a colelction of books that has been donated -- In the name of this lady!!!
So I call the other library,and am told that the lady is, alas, dead and died the previous August!!!!!
Now, I am freaked, I check the obituary, and sure enough, she died SEVERAL MONTHS BEFORE THE MEETING AT THE PUMPS!!!
I can't explain, except that someone who lookd like this woman, who I knew intimately, as they say, and happened to have a little girl and who dressed the same and drove the same car happened to gas up next to me.
I don't believe in ghosts or an after-life or whatever. But this has "haunted"me for five years now.
true story