Dupe of article posted in GD ("Neo-cons gone wild") that nobody can be arsed reading, even though it's about the best thing I've read in the history of EVER! x(
"Neo-Cons Gone Wild"
by B. Rehak
LOS ANGELES, August 18, 2003 (www.columnleft.com) -- Thank heavens George W. Bush is a ‘Compassionate Conservative.' What if we'd actually screwed up and gotten the other kind?
You know, that uptight hypocritical self-righteous HUAC/Watergate/Iran-Contra ‘Precious Bodily Fluids' bunch with the bitter religious friends who see a few witch dunkings and an occasional holy war as good for the national soul?
The ultra-rich, cynical types who know that sex sells but fear gets you re-elected? The sort to whom a ‘free election' is just another form of hostile corporate takeover? The kind who'll proudly photo-op with our brave troops on Fox News while screwing them out of their pay raise?
Those Conservatives?