Edited on Fri Aug-22-03 01:59 AM by MiltonLeBerle
In an earlier thread today...yesterday, maybe you saw it, a poster said the following:
"...One night at a party I was drinking with a friend, a very pretty friend and things were going smoothly. We ended up late in the night, snuggled on a couple of blankets on the basement floor (different basement) talking and snuggling. I was drunk. She was drunker. I made a consciouse decision, even after she took off her panties to NOT take advantage of the situation. Eventauly we fell asleep. The next day she seemed sheepish and told me how wonderfull I was and that I was such a gentelman for not taking advantage of her. Later that afternoon she disappeared into someone elses room and was gone for hours. I was crushed. I do still have that pair of panties and a couple of snapshots of her without her shirt on though (long story about the photos)..."
when I suggested that he had missed a very obvious signal about what the pretty friend had in mind, and that he should have pursued it, I was chastised as a 'neanderthal' for advocating that he 'take advantage' of the poor drunken thing...I never suggested committing 'date rape', I was just trying to point that she might have been 'interested' to say the least- and her behaviour the next day, being 'sheepish' and all was probably a sign that she felt rejected by him the night before. It's also very possible that she was feigning her true level of intoxication in hopes of being seen as more 'vulnerable' and his for the taking.
Have any of you la-dies ever pretended to be a little(or a lot) drunker than you were as part of the 'signal' process, or just to get things moving along??