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Far-right blogger gets the smackdown!

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Archae Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 01:59 AM
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Far-right blogger gets the smackdown!
I've been calling your attention to this "too far-right to be a Freeper" who has a LiveJournal, Ralph Hayes Jr.

Well, he posted this little rant:

Ready to Bite Nails in Half.

oh GOD I want to strangle someone right now.
A little quote from our dear old Postvixen, Poster Slut for the Left:

The fact that the extreme right is now regularly in the position of playing devil's advocate for torture and abuse, and has nothing better to say in its defense than "we're not as bad as these hard-bitten criminal fanatics over here," doesn't exactly bring me joy. I take it as a depressing sign that any human will compromise the moral principles which they like to claim they embrac, ...

Jesus I've never been so furious.
To object to the lascivious politicizing of the actions of a handful of soldiers in Abu Ghraib is to somehow be "in support of torture..." yet doing EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER to OBSTRUCT the war effort against the most evil, oppressive and sadistic regimes on earth is NOT?

The "right wing" isn't the one supporting torture and abuse. It's the right-wing military, and the right wing administration, that put those soldiers in Abu Ghraib on trial--- months before the press even heard or cared about the issue. The Left, on the other hand, has been busy trying to suck political capital out of the news hysteria... and find new ways to obstruct the war on terror.

The ones "supporting torture" are the LEFT.

The ones "supporting torture" were those little goat felchers who did everything in their power to keep America out of Iraq and Afghanistan. It was those little selfrighteous pricks throwing temper tantrums in the streets that sought to prolong the suffering of the Afghani and Iraqi people. It was those worthless skinbag "human shields" who tried to protect Saddam's palaces who were supporting torture, not us!

But little leftists, with all the moral and intellectual integrity of one of Micheal Moore's skidmarks, are gonna come around here and talk about how right-wingers are "supporting prisoner abuse."

They fricking SPEW this crap because they think that they'll never have to live with the consequences.

If I had my way they wouldn't. I'd strip 'em naked, tattoo an american flag across their ass and a Star of David on their forehead and drop them in the middle of the first Islamic city I could find on a map! Little pig-molesters wouldn't be bitching about peanut butter in their prison meals THAT time, oh no. Assuming theyweren't instantly stoned, they'd be dropping to their knees and thanking their multicultural Jesus the moment an American in uniform walked through their cesspit Muslim prison door.

Well, a very eloquent moderate slapped Ralphie Boy silly here:

You should be furious, because you got no answer to it, dude. You have NOTHING TO SAY. Everything about this prison torture fiasco screams green lit by the administration and you know it. All your whinging about the elite liberal media won't make the stink go away. All your spinning won't change the fact that signs point right up to Rummy. We said the "gloves would come off" and this is what we meant by it. This is what conquering armies do. This should be no surpise to anyone who reads a history book, but why would you read facts when you can read jingoistic screeds? The government thought this would get Iraqi insurgents so scared to death that they'd tell us everything. And it blew up in our faces.

You think the best we have is Michael Moore? Try Admiral Zinny, Ralph. Wake up and smell the UN. Try Bob Woodward. Try Richard Clark. Try Paul o'Neill. Are these all LIBERALS? Please! You're a desperate, retarded apologist for a failing administration, and your self-worth is so tied up in rooting for this crowd in the white house that you're getting more and more angry, more and more enraged, and more and more trapped into defending a losing side. Keep that conservative playbook handy, you're gonna need it, because it's going to get a lot worse for you. Your real enemy isn't the left. it's not hippie dippie vegan human shields. That's a straw man and you know it. You're bitching out, Ralph, if that's the best you can find to swing at.

I'll let you in on a secret. It's not Michael Moore you should be afraid of. I think he's a dumbass too. You should be afraid of people like me. It's moderates who actually think for a change, who weigh real facts as opposed todrinking koolaid fed to us by whiny maggots on the radio. People like me, who like republicans who don't sell us out (McCain should have been our fucking president, not that idiotic pile of garbage that's in there now), who like democrats who don't fall prey to idealism and big government. We want this guy out. We, the reasonable americans who are embarrassed to fucking shit at what our dumbassed leaders are allowing to happen. We, the reasonable american who watches this useless war drain our country of hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of lives AS TAX CUTS ARE BEING PASSED. We, the reasonable american who actually thought for a little while that Bush MEANT what he said about no more nation building, then took a grade A dump all over that campaign promise. We waited, we watched, we gave the guy a chance, and he blew it.

If you had your way, this would be bizarro world, the earth would be square, The New York Post would be the only newspaper, and someone would stick a plate of dogshit in front of your nose and you'd think it was chocolate. Take your childish power-fantasy drivel (ooh, tattoo me! Oh no! Will you shoot me with your atomic pistol next?) and go back to the sandbox where it belongs. Maybe this stuff impresses the mental heavyweights you hang out with, but anyone who reads real books can see it for the tantrum that it is.

I love it.
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yorgatron Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 02:21 AM
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1. holy crap! that was
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Guy_Montag Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 04:04 AM
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2. He's convinced me
I'm off to join Free Republic, so long suckers :silly:
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progdonkey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 04:27 AM
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I bet that guy Ralph crawled into a fetal position and started sucking his thumb after he got that excellent bitchslap!

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JaySherman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 05:16 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. In true freeper fashion, no response to be found.
If I was him and someone bitchslapped me like that, I'd have to much pride not to issue some kind of rebuttal (however fruitless).

Hit them with a dose of reality and they run and hide (or in this jackoff's case, pretend it doesn't exist). Typical.
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Ganja Ninja Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 06:07 AM
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5. It doesn't get any clearer or more spot on than this:
"You're a desperate, retarded apologist for a failing administration, and your self-worth is so tied up in rooting for this crowd in the white house that you're getting more and more angry, more and more enraged, and more and more trapped into defending a losing side."

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