eDiets Designates June As Low-Carb Awareness MonthDEERFIELD BEACH, Fla. -- Although low-carb information seems to be everywhere, a new survey finds a lot of people interested in healthy eating don't even know what a carb is.
A study designed by eDiets.com to measure low-carb knowledge found that nearly one-fourth of the respondents to the survey think a carb is a byproduct of fat metabolism. Actually, carbs are organic compounds that supply body energy. Fat and protein are the other macronutrients that supply energy.
More than one-third of those asked about the makeup of a meal consisting of a hamburger, fries and a medium soft drink said it has 500 carbs. Almost as many believed it has 200 carbs. The correct answer, given by only 19 percent, is 150 carbs.
The survey also showed that many mistakenly believe a cup of oatmeal is low in carbs and a slice of white bread is very high in carbs.