the engineer who first gets attacked use his tricoder or just come down and ask the computer to scan that area or do any of a dozen things that would have kept him alive?
When the first engineer didnt respond, why didnt the female engineer do any of those things.
When the first two engineers disappeared without a trace, why didnt the entire ship go to security alert? They could have then and there flooded decks with something to kill the few Borg there were.
If bullets killed the Borg in the holodck, why not replicate a whole host of various weapons using different energy types? Weapons based on electricty, poison darts, poison gas, knockout gas, bullets, disruptors, biological and chemical attack, etc.? By the time they adapted, they would have all been dead.
If Data knew that the coolant wouldnt affect him, why didnt he smash it from the beginning when he first escaped instead of trying to get out? Why not smash it right after the big smooch, why wait til Picard gets there and could be in danger?
How could they miss a big ol Sphere coming out of the Cube until it was so far away that torpedoes travelling at near light speed couldnt catch them (so that they had to follow them back in time)?
Still, it was a good movie, but those should be enough questions to keep you busy for awhile :P