Some snips from the back of Steve Bhaerman's next book, out June 15th:
Has your body politic been run down lately?
Having difficulty getting an election?
Is your body politic suffering from irony deficiency and truth decay?
Are you ready for a good de-Tex?
Are you feeling the lingering effects of a Big-Iraq attack?
Are you beginning to suspect that we've been hoodwinked by a bunch of hoods winking at each other's transgressions?
Help is at your fingertips. It's Swami Beyondananda's campaign for a new precedent.The snips are from an email, so there is no link.
The book is
Swami for Precedent: A 7-Step Plan to Heal the Body Politic and Cure Electile Dysfunction. "Swami's wacky and yet wise plan to create a new 'precedent' so a new President will follow."
The site is'm a fan of the Swami. ;-)