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It Dont Come Easy--You Know it Dont Come Easy...Good Night America

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Waverley_Hills_Hiker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-02-04 04:10 PM
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It Dont Come Easy--You Know it Dont Come Easy...Good Night America
Does anyone remember this very late night, very intermittent TV variety show from the 70s, hosted by, yes, Geraldo Rivera?

Probably one of the more out-there things on TV back in the pre-cable days. They opened with some pythonesque/comix animations to the tune of Ringo Starrs "It Don't Come Easy", and also used Arlo Guthries "City of New Orleans" to close and to seque to & from commercials.

Gerlado had the most unusual things one...drag queens (the first time I ever saw drag queens), Kurt Vonnegut reading poetry, live musical guests (like the Greatful Dead...with their video of "US Blues"..the first music video I ever saw).

Maybe by todays (or even yesterdays) standards it was lame, but for a teenager like me this was pretty cool stuff....I guess this was part of the mainstreaming of the counterculture. And Geraldo Rivera was pretty funky to in his big long-haired was like some old hippy hosting a stoner variety show.

In any case, I really cant find too much on the web about this show, other than it involved the now-famous (and more conventional) Geraldo Rivera.

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Waverley_Hills_Hiker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-02-04 04:55 PM
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1. hmmmm
"Does anyone remember this very late night, very intermittent TV variety show...."

...guess not.
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