That shadow effect is already in play. We know that by Venus transiting the sun----becoming visible when she is on her journey to the underworld---she will be exposing secrets. Like...the Enron tapes...prison torture...Farenheit 911...and that's just a PREVIEW of what she's gonna' spill!
I am so heartened by this. The Mayans considered this a sign that ends an empire. I'm hoping of course that it will mean the end of the BFEE or illuminati or neocons or whatever, rather than the dear US herself. Just the current evil numbskulls.
Then of course the day after the June 8 venus transit, Saturn sits on dumbya's Sun---that bicycle spill was just a teeny tiny preview of his big fat fall that's coming up. And it doesn't get off him until like 5 days after the election? Here comes some payback on a universal scale!! Bwa ha ha ha! I'm still thinking he drops out of the race for health reasons---this boy ain't much used to Saturnine forces, and this is gonna' be a DOOZY.
I almost feel sorry for the scoundrel, but in fact it couldn't happen to a more deserving fellow.