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My Waterbed and Pharaoh Ants

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Khephra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-02-04 08:22 PM
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My Waterbed and Pharaoh Ants
(worth saving from the other thread)

My Waterbed and Pharaoh Ants

Once...a decade or so an apartment complex far from where I live now....

I used to have a waterbed. Evidently, the waterbed was imported with ant eggs in the wood frame. For a few months I had a great experience sleeping in comfort, but then I started getting this itching feeling.

After a few days of itching, I started to notice these movements of tiny little things from the corner of my eye. Soon I discovered that there were ants all over my bed.

My waterbed wasn't filled all the way, so I peeled back my mattress, and there, under where I had been sleeping for the past two months, was an ant colony with a queen pumping out eggs as I stared in horror.

I freaked.

I must add, no drugs were involved before telling of what happened next.

I decided that I had to have the bed out of my house NOW. NOW NOW NOW.

The bed, not being full, was able to slide out of the frame with little effort. And then I tried to slosh this big blue bag of water and covered with ants to the bathroom.

Not being able to get this big blob across the room, I called a friend over, and we decided--after trying to push the blob across an open stairway to the first floor, where it kept on trying to flow downstairs--to cut a hole in the waterbed and drain it out the upstairs bathroom.

End of story?

4 inches of water on the second floor of our apartment and ants spread throughout the complex.

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democracyindanger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-02-04 08:28 PM
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1. Did they make you
dance like an Egyptian?

Thanks. I'll be here all week. Try the brisket.
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