"Damn I wish I had your job"
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Thu Jun-03-04 04:57 PM
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"Damn I wish I had your job" |
This happened a few years ago when offices were just really getting into computers in a big way and I was a network administrator.
My boss and I were walking downtown on our way to a dog-and-pony-show. I sing professionally so my voice carriers and my boss is no slouch in the volume department himself. I was bringing him up to speed in a rather nasty technical problem we were having with the network. A bystander probably would have heard:
Me:"...TCP/IP...dropped packets...DECNET...routed protocol..." Boss:"...802.3...termination...twisted pair..." Me:"...inefficient use of packet...SQL*NET..." Boss:"...record length...compression..."
A guy walking ahead of us turned around and said "Damn...I wish I had your job".
Some days I love my work. (not today, stupid server blew a hard drive)
Commie Pinko Dirtbag
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Thu Jun-03-04 04:59 PM
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1. Damn, I wish I had your job. |
I'm one of the 749 people in the world who find sysadminning rewarding. :hi:
Book Lover
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Thu Jun-03-04 05:00 PM
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That guy thinks it's all gleaming lights and handheld devices. He doesn't know anything about the dust bunnies under the desk and the end-users' filthy mice and keyboards and the late nights and the moves and the heat in the cage and the...and the...
I'm glad I'm no longer in IT :-)
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Thu Jun-03-04 05:02 PM
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3. I wish I had Roger Ebert's job. |
He gets paid to watch movies and tell people if he liked them. What a great gig. I bet he even gets free popcorn and jujubees, the bastard.
AdBot (1000+ posts) |
Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:44 PM
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