an online review dedicated to gadgets, gizmos, and cutting-edge consumer electronics . . . /
here's their latest . . .
SpyBot Wall Climbing Camera Bot, if you're not a filthy pervert, skip to the last paragraph. Thanks.
So what I need from you is $14k. I know it sounds like a lot, but if you cough it up I can get you one of these SpyBot Climber R/C robots that traverse and adhere to all sorts of surfaces, like the brickwork on that building across the street and you'll be able to wireless transmit images from the apartment of your 100% authentic girlfriend. Sure, you haven't talked to her yet, but with after reconnoitering her place for a while you'll be able to finally break the ice with openers like, "Hey, I'm out of toilet paper, too!" Okay, now go away.
For everybody else, isn't creepy how much this looks like a normal device, like a service box or something? Except most gas meters don't crawl up the side of buildings, at least not during the day. I wonder if the 'patented technology' allows it to stay in place even when the battery runs out? It better for $14,000.