First of all, here are the bumper stickers in question:

On my way home from work a little while ago, I was stopped at a red light when some guy (who bore an uncanny resemblance to DU's Bob Boudelang) pulled up behind me in (you guessed it!) a pick-up truck. In my rearview mirror, I could see the guy mouthing what my bumper stickers said, after which his face grew quite angry-looking. Still looking in the mirror, I could lip-read him saying, "What the fuck is that shit," among other things. Livid, he pounded on his steering wheel and shouted at nobody in particular.
I don't mind telling you, I became nervous. That yahoo was so pissed off, I feared he would get out of his pick-up truck and run up to the driver's side of my car to do Christ-knows-what. Thankfully, that didn't happen. When the light turned green, I made a right turn and he went left (ironically).
This was the first time that my bumper stickers had provoked such a severely negative reaction. (Remember, I live in the comparatively liberal Connecticut). I just hope that moron's not indicative of how folks will vote in November!