...dressed in identical one-piece white body suits, and none of them has a face. For some reason, I'm certain that nuclear war has broken out. I ascend a barbed-wire ladder to a hatch on the ceiling. The hatch is made out of a gelatinous substance. I open it and pull myself up. (Despite the barbed-wire ladder, my hands are intact.)
I don't recognize the landscape. It is a dusty plain with used furniture and rusted-out automobiles strewn across it. Several hundred feet away, away, a Boy Scout troop crawls across the plain. Vultures circle overhead. Mushroom clouds bloom in the distance. With perfect calm, I witness the end of the world.
Over the horizon, a thick cloud of black smoke rises. Slowly but perceptibly, it assumes a human form. Frightened, I close the hatch and descend the barbed-wire ladder. But the bunker is gone! I am suspended over a vast orange abyss.
I have three options: let go of the ladder and plunge into the abyss, stay where I am and go nowhere, or climb back up the ladder and face the aforementioned horrors.
I let go of the ladder and plunge into the orange nothingness.