Saturday night blues
lyrical di
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Sat Jun-05-04 07:36 PM
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I've been working all week and in meetings all day today. Driving home I call (safely) to cheer the end of the week and ask where we're going to celebrate. Imagine my chagrin 4 hours of DU later when my hubby looks up to say, "Go somewhere. It's Stanley Cup playoff night. It'll have to be a bar with a TV." We're still here. He's gone from staring at DU to staring at the TV and clueless as to why I'm ticked. In contrast, I was out "saving the world in real life" trying to make things better for the entire state of TN. Someone give me a fantasy for anything I could be doing tonight in real life other than virtual living..
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Sat Jun-05-04 07:39 PM
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1. Hey darlin! you're in Nashville |
No need to live vicariously...take yourself downtown to any of a number of fine places and take in the music and the food without him!
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Sat Jun-05-04 07:47 PM
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2. Call up your best friend |
and get out on the town. You owe to yourself! :)
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 02:54 PM
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