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The Greatest Generation of all CAPTIONS!!!

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skip fox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 12:13 PM
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The Greatest Generation of all CAPTIONS!!!

" . . . and this is where men landed and countries fought shoulder-by-shoulder in a war that occupied many nations so that they call it a World War, and because it was the second, they called it World War Two, so as not to get it confused or stuff. But allies came to fight together a common enemy called Hitler and Tojo, which is another 'two,' come to think about it. And like I'm a Junior which is another way of saying 'the second,' or 'two'--all of which is of greatest interest for those of us today and everbody out there in t.v. land as well, I'll bet."
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rwenos Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 12:20 PM
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In a speech today at the American cemetery in Normandie, the President of the United States praised the fallen American heros of the 1944 invasion of Normandy, surrounded by the graves of thousands of American war dead.
In an incident unreported in the world press, 98% of the bodies rose silently from their graves, rushed the stage and repeatedly bitch-slapped the President's face.
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skip fox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 12:23 PM
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2. " . . . they were America's sons and duaghters, and they were our
fathers and mothers or grandfathers and grandmothers or our sisters and brothers, maybe our uncles and some we weren't related to maybe, but like a nice old guy down the block, and some were salesmen, and some were typists, and some were butchers, and some were . . ."

Guy in front row, arms crossed, is thinking: "What I wouldn't give for some arial bombardment right about now."
Printer Friendly | Permalink |  | Top Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 12:33 PM
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3. Smirk: Whaddya mean, this ain't Bitburg cemetery?
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skip fox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 09:44 AM
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4. " . . . and when the Krauts were pouring fire down on them, they
kept on coming. Like I had these tin soldiers once which would be a lot of money know if I had kept them, tbut they got lost and scratched up and I think Neil stold about half of them, and Jeb was doing naughty things in the bathroom with them, but once when I was sick and had to stay home, I re-enacted the whole battle from that day. You shoulda seen how the sheets looked just like cliffs. But the soldiers just kept coming . . . so as you can see, I feel very close to what happened to these guys in history or something."
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GOPisEvil Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 09:46 AM
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5. I haven't heard my "thank you" from the froggies yet!
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cosmicdot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 04:29 PM
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6. W: I guess you all know about my granddaddy ... kinda ironic that I stand
Edited on Mon Jun-07-04 04:41 PM by cosmicdot
here today, huh? See, I wasn't the only one who invested other people's money into losers ...
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