Saw the day after tomorrow, am I the only one who thought...
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Mon Jun-07-04 05:11 AM
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Saw the day after tomorrow, am I the only one who thought... |
that they should have killed the wolves and eaten them?
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Mon Jun-07-04 05:12 AM
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1. you could also use the furs for warm clothing. |
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Mon Jun-07-04 05:13 AM
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2. I thought the wolves should have been used more... |
..I would have had them set loose in the library.
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Mon Jun-07-04 05:18 AM
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3. I'm curious where the wolves came from though. |
Are there many/any wolves up in the north east?
I thought there were only some further west.
Then again its just a movie, and had it been set anywhere other than New York the people might have had guns and could have just as easily shot the wolves and eaten and skinned them. :P
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Mon Jun-07-04 05:50 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
escaped from the Bronx Zoo... They showed a short clip where they're going through the zoo and they find the Wolves cages torn open.
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Mon Jun-07-04 06:36 AM
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5. Am I the only one who didn't think it sucked? |
I really enjoyed the movie. It seems the word was put out that it stank. I disagree.
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Mon Jun-07-04 06:52 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. I thought it was okay - but the messaage really hit home for my kids |
they felt guilty riding home in the CAR!
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Mon Jun-07-04 09:35 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
i thought the special effects were good, not cheesy. That quaid dude sure is a poor man's harrison ford tho.
I just hated seeing Fox news all over the place. And I wish they had made the prezzie more like dumbya---stupid and cowardly.
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Mon Jun-07-04 08:22 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
8. It was fun, but I have to admit I got bored |
about time the tidal wave hit New York City, IMHO.
I thought the wolf zoo escape and wolf attack was really dorky and lame.
I loved Mexico opening its arms to the US.
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Mon Jun-07-04 08:54 AM
Response to Reply #8 |
IMO that was the funniest scene in the whole movie where they tear down the fences and go into Mexico illegally.
I also liked the news scene about how the president worked out a deal to erase all of thier debt if they let people in.
Funny stuff.
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Mon Jun-07-04 08:53 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
it sucked about as much as most summer movies do.
IMO it could have been better.
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Mon Jun-07-04 06:53 AM
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7. They should have but.... |
...the temperatures were dropping and they didn't have time to even grab any of the food from the mess hall.
Plus if they ate the wolves, PETA would have been all over that movie.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:24 PM
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