It's great having so many new members to add your viewpoints to the discussion. The Dem party (even the left end over here) sure is a big tent and this proves it - even with all the arguing that goes on at times.
DU is truly a valuable resource. It allows anyone with an opinion (other than RW disrupters and ill-mannered louts) to join in the fray. After you've published your post, you have to let it sit there and take incoming flak - and that can cause you to change your mind after a while. And that's how progress is made.
A personal request: Please take a minute to fill out your profile so we at least know where you live and what gender you prefer to present. That just helps to make the discussion more personal.
Also, it's hard enough writing a coherent post that gets your point across. Please take advantage of the spell checker and use good punctuation and sentence structure. Poorly written posts are my pet peeve.
Also, if you enjoy your experience (and I'd say anyone with at least 20 posts to their credit must) then send a few bucks to the admins. Where else can you get a chance to vent your spleen like this - with a really cool user interface that keeps improving - and NO ADS.
PS - I'm not an admin or a moderator, just a grateful member, and I approve this message.