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Omaha the Cat Dancer's creator Kate Worley, RIP

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Khephra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 05:42 PM
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Omaha the Cat Dancer's creator Kate Worley, RIP
While she had most recently made headlines again with her battle against cancer, Omaha the Cat Dancer's creator Kate Worley lost her battle with the disease over the weekend.

Worley wrote Omaha while Reed Waller illustrated. Worley was married to Jim (Kings in Disguise) Vance, and together, the couple have two children. She had justt recently began work on Omaha again, finishing the story for Les Humanoids.

Omaha was, in the eyes of many, one of the early prioneering independant books aimed squarely for an adult audience due to both its mature subject matter as well as frank and open sexual storylines and imagery.

Most recently, Neil Gaiman took up the creator's cause, writing at his webblog:

Jim and Kate are pretty much up against the wall right now, with wolves baying at the door. If they can keep going for a few more months, the wolves may calm down -- the new Omaha material will start coming out and so on. But right now she's fighting cancer and fighting to stay in the place they're living, and they're out at the edges of losing their home while Kate's working very hard to write and to get through this. (It can't be much fun for Jim or the kids, for that matter.)
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Adenoid_Hynkel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 05:51 PM
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1. it's so depressing
that a real talent like her dies in financial ruin whle a hack like todd mcfarlane makes bazillions (and screws over other creators in the process)

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