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Oh Yeah!!! I was in a bar last night, and a guy came up to me and...

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Misunderestimator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 09:48 AM
Original message
Oh Yeah!!! I was in a bar last night, and a guy came up to me and...
asked me where I got my bumper stickers. (Maybe I should have been concerned about how he guessed which was my car...?). My collection: "John Kerry for President"; "George W., You're Fired"; "Bush Thinks You're Stupid"; "Democratic Underground."

I also have a sweet little silver peace sign medallion (similar to the fish medallion) and a license plate frame that says "Protect our Freedom - Anybody But Bush 2004."

I'm planning on ordering more bumper stickers and leaving them in my glove compartment to hand out. This is the THIRD stranger who has asked me where I got my stickers in the past 3 weeks.

AND... I saw another Kerry bumper sticker yesterday, and haven't seen a single Bush one. This all in lovely conservative SW Florida.

Woohooo! :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
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SheilaT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 09:53 AM
Response to Original message
1. Hooray for you!
A while back (over a year ago now) when I had some anti-war bumper stickers on my car, I was once followed into a parking lot by a man who wanted to know where I'd gotten them. I'd done the thing, and was carrying around extras and gave him some.

The two I have on my car now: No More Bushit and War and Greed Are Not Christian I have no extras of, alas. But people notice them and either give me a wide berth (as when dropping my kid of at his mostly conservative private school) or give me a thumbs-up.
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