Good quotes wasted in bad movies....
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Tue Jun-08-04 10:07 PM
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Good quotes wasted in bad movies.... |
"If it was easy, everybody would do it - the hard is what makes it good" - Tom Hanks - League of their own.
Not really a bad movie, but when I started the thread I thought it was in "That thing you do."
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Tue Jun-08-04 10:14 PM
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1. "I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick ass... |
and I'm all out of bubble gum."
Roddy Piper - They Live
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Tue Jun-08-04 10:16 PM
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2. Do NOT insult THEY LIVE!! |
It's a terrific movie. Especially now with all this Reagasm bullshit.
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Tue Jun-08-04 10:19 PM
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3. okay, so it's more of a bad line in a good movie |
but "bad" in a good way and "good" in a sorta campy way.
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Tue Jun-08-04 10:20 PM
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4. Hey, Rowdy Roddy Piper had one Hell of a delivery. |
Like a low-rent Bruce Campbell.
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Tue Jun-08-04 11:10 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
Excellent film, becoming ever more reality, methinks. The "bubblegum" line was ad-libbed by Roddy Piper. He did a great job -- I didn't know until long after I first saw the film that he was a pro wrestler. He was better than a lot of career actors.
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Tue Jun-08-04 11:12 PM
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9. They Live is a great film! |
Too bad we're fucking living in it now - the reality? Not so hot.:scared:
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Tue Jun-08-04 10:21 PM
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5. "the... the... the... shaaaaaaaaaark" |
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Tue Jun-08-04 10:28 PM
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6. Willie Nelson in "The Electric Horseman" |
"I'm gonna get me a bottle of tequila, and one of those keno girls that can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch, and check on outta here!"
That's gotta be a classic.
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Tue Jun-08-04 10:33 PM
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7. Good line from a pretty good movie.... |
From the gun runner (who eventually gets caught) in "The Friends of Eddie Coyle": "Life is hard, but it's harder if you're stupid."
There's a politician or two in Washington that, I think, ignored that advice.
Rick Myers
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Tue Jun-08-04 11:28 PM
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10. "There's NO cryin' in baseball..." |
Tom Hanks, A League of Their Own!!!
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Wed Jun-09-04 12:13 AM
Response to Reply #10 |
12. Ref-"What's the problem" Hanks- "She's crying sir!" |
Great bit.
Like my other favourite saying "There's no pity in Hockey"
Jade Fox
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Wed Jun-09-04 12:12 AM
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11. For some reason I love this line..... |
From 'The Limey', also a good film IMO.
"There's something I don't understand. The thing I don't understand is every motherfucking word you're saying".
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