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Anyone see the trailer for that movie, "White Chicks"?

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justjones Donating Member (596 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 03:06 AM
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Anyone see the trailer for that movie, "White Chicks"?
After Ghetto, uh, I mean, Soul Plane, I thought we would get a break from these dumb, slapstick, make black folks look ignorant comedies. Then along comes this movie.

I can hear Hannity and Limbaugh now whining about how there could never be a movie called "Black Chick," because everyone would be crying racism, but it's perfectly fine to name a movie "White Chick" even though it's reverse racism, blah, blah, blah. I refuse to say that I agree with those assholes, but I'm pissed I have to think about it.....

My people, my people. I'm embarrassed and frustrated. Embarrassed even though shit like this isn't representative of the black community, just as my current commentary isn't. I'm sure some folks will vehemently disagree with me and will be the first in line to go see this dumb ass movie.....frustrated because my politics are on the complete opposite end of the spectrum of the Clarence Thomas's of the world and I didn't agree with Bill Cosby, but know my comments may be misconstrued as such. <Sigh>

I'm just venting.
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BlondieK143 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 03:06 AM
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1. Yeah.
I think I'll pass. :eyes:
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RoyGBiv Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 03:11 AM
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2. FWIW...
Edited on Thu Jun-10-04 03:12 AM by RoyGBiv
I have no desire to see this movie, and when it eventually makes it to networks like HBO, it will be one I avoid like the plague.

This crap appeals to willful ignorance, which is rampant in this country. It hasn't been funny since "black face" was in vogue.

OnEdit: Love your avatar...

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Alenne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 03:20 AM
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3. Get over it
If white people got frustrated and embarrassed every time a crappy predominately white movie came out they would be embarrassed and frustrated frequently. Gigli alone would be enough to make them not want to leave their homes.

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justjones Donating Member (596 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 03:25 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. You're right.
But fortunately for white folks, you aren't characterized by what one white person does. You are acknowledged for your diversity.

But it isn't so much the Steppin' Fetchit routine I have a problem with, it's that it's called, "White Chicks." It makes the stupidity stand out more, IMO.

I'm just waiting to hear the cries of reverse racism...but I will try to get over it.
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Alenne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 03:30 AM
Response to Reply #5
7. I am black
but I have realized that I am only responsible for my own actions. I can't be embarrassed every time a black person does something ignorant. That is a lot of pressure that I am not willing to be burdened with.
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auburnblu Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 03:23 AM
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4. Not wasting my time on it
But maybe its just this generations Valley Girls, wasn't that a movie in the early 80s making fun of sterotyped California white gals. White Chicks will probably be nearly as offensive as Soul Plane.

The reality seems to be that the rules are still such that there are some jokes and comments allowed for certain demographic groups that aren't for others. Larry Bird is reamed for saying that having more white players would be good for basketball and increase the white fan base. I remember a few years back hearing media comments that having the Williams sisters dominate tennis was great for the sport as it was helping broaden the fan base. Which I think it has helped build the fan base. NASCAR definitely has stated they want minority drivers to build the fan base. What the heck is the difference? Other than the demographic groups being referenced, doesn't seem like a lot of difference to me.
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huellewig Donating Member (700 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 03:28 AM
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6. I'm glad I don't work at the theater anymore.
Management would force me to screen these because they didn't want to. The worst experience of my life was watching Runaway Bride at 6:00 AM after 14 hours of work. I fell asleep in the isle after 60 minutes.

The funny thing was waking up to the fire alarm that morning. The fire Marshall came to check the alarm and I was the only one in the building. I woke up and freaked out.
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Delano Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 03:55 AM
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8. That's nothing...
Edited on Thu Jun-10-04 03:58 AM by Delano
Actually, that film doesn't look so bad - it's riffing on cultural differences between blacks & whites. I'm pretty sure they make fun of the airhead spoiled white chicks as much as, if not more than themselves. The Wayans brothers are all right by me, I'm sorry to see someone so quick to bash them.

Now here's something REALLY offensive: Boost Mobile's "Where You At?" series of poster ads. If you live here in SF, you'll see them all around, there are verious versions, but the most obnoxious one is with an ugly black man photographed with a fisheye lens with his mouth all distorted in a look reminiscent of Flavor Flav with the caption "For that late night Booty Chirp" SUPPOSEDLY the ad was discontinued after many protested it, but I still see it all over. I HATE THAT AD.

Here's the story and link.

Ad stereotyped black community

By DAMON SMOTHERS, Bakersfield

On behalf of the Concerned Nonpartisan Black American Voters, Concerned Nonpartisan Black American Voters, it greatly saddens me to write in response to a billboard located at Bernard Street and Alta Vista Drive that depicted a black male grinning sheepishly with a cell phone in his hand. Next to him a caption reads, "For that late night booty chirp, where you at?"

Boost Mobile was the culprit targeting the black community with this despicable and tasteless marketing strategy. As black Americans, we are offended by this now-abandoned billboard because it not only depicted this individual as a buffoon, but it also degraded all women -- and especially black women -- which is something members of this community will not tolerate.

Black fathers and mothers do not raise their young girls to grow up to become sexual conquests who merely jump in bed when called or "chirped" by a man. Black parents have a far greater sense of purpose for their children.

In addition, black fathers and mothers do not tolerate their sons disrespecting any female, emotionally or physically. This billboard did nothing but aid in stereotyping the black male and female in ways that hurt us as individuals and collectively as a group.

The community of Bakersfield is one that promotes tolerance of others' ideas and expressions, but does not support personal gain to the detriment of others.

Members of CNBAV have risen as members of this community in speaking out against this advertisement with these five talking points:

* We are offended by marketing strategies that degrade our youth, our women and all individuals -- particularly those of African descent.

* We are offended by marketing strategies that promote inappropriate behaviors that harm positive family values.

* We are offended by marketing strategies that disrespect our young men and women by sexualizing their ads while targeting youth.

* We are offended by marketing strategies that promote teen promiscuity.

Damon Smothers of Bakersfield is chairman of the Concerned Nonpartisan Black American Voters. Community Voices is an expanded commentary that may contain up to 500 words. The Californian reserves the right to reprint commentaries in all formats, including on its Web page.
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