O'Reilly Factor guest Richard Poe smeared George Soros:
A Media Matters for America analysis of a NewsMax cover story
In his May 2004 NewsMax magazine cover story, titled "George Soros' Coup," contributing editor Richard Poe made several factual errors and misrepresentations in attempting to discredit financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros. Media Matters for America first reported on Poe's NewsMax cover story on May 19, the day after Poe appeared on FOX News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor to discuss the cover story. As Media Matters for America detailed in the May 19 report, Poe is a font of conservative misinformation, as is NewsMax magazine (a monthly right-wing publication with a history of publishing baseless conspiracy theories about Democrats) and NewsMax.com. Soros, who is founder and chairman of Open Society Institute (OSI), has contributed generously to progressive organizations -- including America Coming Together, MoveOn.org, and the Campaign for America's Future. Following is an analysis of "George Soros' Coup."