...and grabs his rifle, and heads into the woods. He sees a bear come walking past, and unloads 8 shots toward him. After the smoke clears, the bear is standing right in front of him, and actually speaks! He says "Where you trying to shoot me?" Dubya stammers "um...um...no!" "Bullshit" the bear says, and throws Shrub around a log, and, well, has his way with him.
Now Bush is PISSED, and goes to the National Guard armory, and grabs an M-16, an AK-47, and several hundred rounds of ammo. He heads back into the woods, and hides. Sure enough after a little while the bear comes walking by, and *BAM* *POW* RATATATATTATATAT. The smoke clears, and the bear is once again standing there in front of him. "why you son of a..." the bear says, and once again, it's Bush against the log and...
NOW Shrubya is FURIOUS. He goes back to the armory, grabs more weapons, more ammo, hand grenades, c-4 explosives, flame throwers, and goes back into the woods he goes. after a little while the bear comes walking by, and *BAM* *POW* RATATATATTATATAT, *FOOM* *KAAAAPOOOOWW*. All the trees for miles around are destroyed, there is smoke everywhere, and as it finally clears, there is the bear, standing once again in front of him, shaking his head and says "your really not here for the hunting are you?"