In the booklet that comes with the new SCTV DVD set, Andrew Alexander explains the reason it took so long for the DVDs: the music rights. Here's a quote:
"In those very few cases where we were unable to secure a music cue, we have edited the music, substituted other music, or edited the skit."
On DVD 3 there is "The Gerry Todd Show." In the original skit, Rick Moranis introduces a video by "Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young"...the joke being that "Crosby" is Bing Crosby singing "White Christmas" with Stills, Nash and Young doing the "Sweet Judy Blue Eyes" little "doo doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo" fill between the lines.
The ORIGINAL intro to the song had Moranis (as Neil Young) playing the guitar intro to "Ohio." The audio track has been completely wiped, and random guitar noodling has been substituted. After the "new" intro, the original skit remains untouched. Half the wallop of the original skit was that "Ohio" intro and the killer combo of Moranis' dead-on "scowling Neil" facial expressions and the closeup of his hands picking the notes on a Les Paul.
Thanks a million, Shakey. The book was right. You ARE a prick. And the SCTV guys are FELLOW CANADIANS, dammit!!!!!